The Collection Group
53, rue Legendre
75017 Paris
19 Place Françoise Dorin
75017 Paris
Neuvième Ciel is the commercial name of the company The Collection Group, SASU with capital of €1,000 registered under the unique number 828 687 459 RCS, whose head office is located at 53, rue Legendre 75017 Paris and VAT number: FR16828687459.
In accordance with the law of 6 January 1978 amended by the law of 6 August 2004, the User has the right to access and rectify personal data concerning him/her contained in The Collection Group's files. Any request must be sent by e-mail to: contact@neuviemeciel.fr or by mail to the following address: The Collection Group, 53, rue Legendre, 75017 Paris.
Any person connecting to our site www.neuviemeciel.com and www.neuviemeciel.fr is subject to the General Conditions of Sale and Use of the website.