Quels exercices Post-Partum faire à domicile pour rééduquer votre périnée ?

What Postpartum exercises can you do at home to re-educate your perineum?

The Perineum, this group of muscles located around the vulva and the anus, has the role of supporting the organs of the small pelvis. It must therefore be resistant in order to hold back your little desires However, this muscle is used a lot throughout your pregnancy. Indeed, pregnancy affects the tissues of this muscle, it is then weakened and results in unfortunate urinary leaks. It is therefore important to re-educate your perineum in order to preserve your well-being.

If you want to avoid trips back to your practitioner, this article is for you!

We offer you different rehabilitation exercises that can be easily carried out at home, with the approval of your doctor, of course, according to your conditions.

There false thoracic inspiration ,

Lie on your back with your knees bent and relax!

Exhale for a long time, contracting your perineum and raising your lower stomach.

When you have expelled all the air from your lungs by contracting your stomach, you can block your breathing by closing your mouth and pinching your nose.

Then you can inhale strongly by raising your chest, opening your ribs and contracting your perineum.

Release while inhaling. Repeat the exercise 2 to 3 times in a row.

You can help yourself with this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1iO5CDFvxbc&t=163s

The essential exercise of The Chair,

Take position: sit on a chair, back straight against the backrest

Contract the anterior perineum for 5 seconds then release for 10 seconds. Repeat this movement 10 times

Repeat the previous action with the muscles of the posterior perineum.

A little tip to make this exercise work even better: stand up straight, stretch your back and do the movements while exhaling.

Go back to childhood with The half bridge

 Take a chair and place it against the wall. This way you can lie on your back and put your feet on the edge of the chair. (Don't forget your hugo cushion for the comfort of your head :))

Place your arms straight out at your sides, palms facing up.

Push on your arms to lift your pelvis. Do this action while exhaling. So when you have risen as high as you can, stabilize yourself while inhaling.

Stay in this position with your pelvis raised for about 10 seconds. Then lower yourself back down little by little, step by step.

Little tip: When raising your pelvis, contract your perineum. When lowering it, relax it.

You can also use this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TvF9rODbGcQ

The exercise of the elevator , imagine that your perineum is an elevator that the contraction time of it increases as the exercise progresses. You can do it either sitting or standing as you prefer and the position in which you feel best.

On the 1st floor, contract for 1 second, release afterwards

On the 2nd floor, same action for 2 seconds

On the 3rd and 4th , always the same idea 3 seconds, 4 seconds.

You can also opt for a session of pilates to strengthen your perineum. Do a few exercises for ten minutes a day from the sixth week after giving birth. Follow these 5 steps to make it work:

Back warm-up

Abdominal muscle building

Abdominal work

Blood circulation (with a good red vine herbal tea)

Perineum strengthening

You can do these exercises either in a group with a coach or online: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WNBiWdaO4PE



If you would like to be accompanied during these exercises in order to ensure that the exercises are carried out correctly, we offer you a list of addresses in Paris where you can go for your perineal rehabilitation:

  • Sophie Hériard Dubreuil (Rated 5/5)

27 boulevard Henri 4
75004 Paris
Paris – 75

  • ANNA ROY (Rated 5/5)

20 rue Ferdinand Duval
75004 Paris
Paris – 75

  • Melissa BENKACI (Rated 4.9/5)
    77 rue Pelleport
    75020 Paris
    Paris – 75

Tel: 01 85 56 00 99

  • Vanessa Evesque (Rated 5/5)

48 rue Servan



So now no more excuses, put your cocooning leggings here we go !

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