Comment organiser son retour au travail après une grossesse ?

How to organize your return to work after pregnancy?

With your maternity leave coming to an end, it's time to go back to work. After several months of taking care of yourself and your pregnancy, then your newborn, it's time to find a new organization to combine work and life as a young mother. This separation from your baby can be a difficult time to get through. Here are some tips to help you approach this new stage more serenely.

Separation from your child

This is undoubtedly the most difficult time when returning to work, but you should not feel guilty or think that you are abandoning your baby.

To better cope with this separation, it is advisable to gradually separate from your baby during the end of your maternity leave. Whether you choose to entrust him to a nursery or a nanny, it is important that this separation is done gradually. It is therefore wise for you and your baby to give yourselves time to adapt, that is to say, separate for longer and longer periods of time, until you leave him alone.

During this period you will be able to get to know the person(s) who will be looking after your baby, which will reassure you, and your baby will be able to become familiar with his new environment.

It is also essential to communicate with your baby and share your feelings with him. You must explain to him in simple words what is going to happen and reassure him that even if you return to work, your separation is not final. For example, you can detail the activities he will be able to do during the days spent at the nursery or with the nanny, or explain to him that he will be well taken care of and that he does not have to be afraid.

If you encounter serious difficulties during this new stage, you should not isolate yourself, but on the contrary talk about it to those around you or ask for help from psychologists.

Prepare your return with your colleagues

In order to return smoothly and with less stress, we advise you to reconnect with your colleagues a few days before your return, or not to lose contact during your absence. You can organize a drink, go for a coffee or lunch with them, just to be informed of all the news in the company, because things have certainly changed during your absence (new projects, change of management, departures of colleagues, etc.)!

This moment can also be an opportunity for you to share your experience with some of your colleagues who probably also have children. You will thus be able to pick up two or three useful tips. 


Get back into the rhythm gently

Despite your short nights, due to the baby waking up many times, potential pains linked to the fact that you have taken care of your baby a lot, which are added to a tiring pregnancy, you will have to get back to the sustained rhythm of work.

To help you feel better, you can ask your partner to take turns in the coming weeks to give you the bottle at night. If you are breastfeeding your baby, we advise you to express your milk the night before in order to gain a few minutes or hours of sleep. When you have a quiet moment, try not to worry about your house, and instead take advantage of it to rest.

As for managing your schedule (between personal and professional obligations), you can try to negotiate a few days of teleworking or see with your boss if you can be part-time for a few weeks or months. You can plan a schedule adapted to the needs of your baby, with your new rituals such as dropping your baby off at daycare in the morning before going to work, organizing yourself to go buy diapers during your break or after work, expressing your milk when you get home, etc. The main thing is that you manage to find your balance.

During your first week back, take the time to calmly delve back into your files and go through all your emails without putting too much pressure on yourself.

In order to feel confident and stronger when you return, it is advisable to take care of yourself. To get back the look of an active woman, you can, for example, go to the hairdresser, go shopping, do some sport or sort out your wardrobe. The better you feel in your body, the less you will dread your return. The most important thing is that you have confidence in yourself and feel able to handle the situation!

In any case, know that you are not alone and that many mothers have been through this and found this moment of separation from the child trying and upsetting. It is a hard time to get through but you end up getting used to it! Especially with good organization!

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